Thursday, May 6, 2010


Philosophy and belief can only form a part of life, significant but with an expiry date appended to every inch of its rigidity.What remains after the implosion is all that is real, so makes it worthwhile talking about relality.

Reality currently involves a conflict in the head. Morality is a very subjective term which can be moulded to sound right as well as wrong. On the other hand, you have to remember that at the end of the day, there are only those counted few faces which the head involuntariliy turns to in distress.They never refuse, they are somehow bound not to.

Brings me to the question of time. Cannot wait for it to grab you by the neck. As I have always believed, life is a bitch, and then you die! Sadly enough, you leave nothing behind of any consequence to your uncertain afterlife. So live it when you can, and face all consequences with your head held high, that is one way of looking at it. The other would be to do all that is considered right. There will be no consequences that you are trained not to deal with and everything can get the aid of everyone.

Somehow though, you never end up making a choice between these two. All we do is go round and round and wait for ourselves to see both merge, it never happens. If there were defined limits to thought process, then humans would have exploited it. The only reason we have not is because we keep outperforming our own limits. We set new ones.

All that remains thus, is your tiny little life with its tiny little moments and the unforgiving second that fills every gap. The attempt thus will be, strange as it may hold out that tiny piece of parchment and let it get wet, just so it goes beyond everything that binds's opinion..a sacrosanct moment of truth..everything!let it be a blur, incoherent and independent.The consequences shall be embraced, with arms wide open!..As someone said to me..these are the days...

1 comment:

  1. This calls for a discussion. The word on the street is Delhi. I can't help but agree.
