Sunday, July 4, 2010


We live in a world which has a short life..and we pray for a long one every day without knowing it..some of us give more credit to our virtues than our senses which tell us not to give any regard to them whatsoever..the others get the insight to see through it and laugh..and we laugh with them..fools that we thing that we are oblivious to is the mockery of our being..after all..our short lived lives encompass agendas,far too many for any of us to achieve..and at the end of it all..we die with regrets..and we leave space for generations to do the same..a modern and completely unscientific definition of what we call.."sustainable development"...

There are those who prefer biting before actually chewing..these are the volcanoes of redundance..feeding on a dormant sense of importance..they get none though..and soon they realise that they don't have even a meal full of attention, because those giving them all their food also happened to be those whose hands they bit off..

Then come the people who feel they are emperors of an empty kingdom..they have a throne to sit on..but no one to give sermons to..they have a war strategy..but no one to fight with..they have a crown..but its never gold..they still are emperors though..they live with pride..and die with indignity..good souls as they are..they are harmless and sometimes all the battles that they ever get to fight are the ones with themselves..they chop their own head off..rying to fight the concept of the "enemy"...

The healthy, the happy and the indifferent are those who keep smiling..but they somehow never get an opportunity to laugh..sometimes maybe you need to care for something to feel how it is like to stop caring for it..they play it close to their chest..but what is best about them is their simplicity, honesty and honour..they don't leave behind much..except for a smirk on their face..content.

Something that bursts before your observant eyes is something you find hard shrugging off all so easily..and you associate the word "attachment" to it..dangerous as it know the pro's and con's of it..but you are forced to see all that is good..for the time being of look forward to the hope to fight battles together..and you hope to win them without losing the are flamingos...

What gives you the courage to see it all and pretend not to..or maybe not see anything at all and pretend what keeps you seem to admire every bit of it..wishing for it to never slow its give way to your own give ask for them..and you couldn't be more happy about it..the head bows down to them..and you surrender..they conquer aspects of you..and you hope to conquer win lose some..but it remains with you..forever..this is not a frame of mind..its a way of life...

At the end of it stand to choose..or you stand to lose..sometimes both..and there you stand..with a keen eye and scepticism all over your face..the most important moments of your life..testing you at every stage..the more you score..the more you day you leave all of it behind for someone else to take lessons from it..sustainable development..and a dedicated life...

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